Sports day Brainy Bunch 2016 - Aisya's first sports day

01:18 anas 0 Comments

Aisya leading the race
9 April yang lalu adalah hari yang boleh dikatakan bersejarah buat saya, Erina dan juga Grandpa kepada Aisya. It's Aisya's first Sports Day at Brainy Bunch!

There's a few things which I learned on that day.

Aisya showing off her first medal!

Me, Aisya, Mascott and Erin

I was driving the car. In the car there were Erin, my sister in law, Emira and my father in law. The event is at Putrajaya but somehow rather we were at Seri Kembangan. Luckily we still had some time to spare before the event took place at 8am.

So by the time I reached the event place, my father in law carried little Aisya and ran to the playing field. My wife was walking faster than me and me as usual walks steady and at my own pace.

I was actually very excited since it is Aisya's first sports day but what I noticed is the grandfather is more excited than I am and he might not have realised this.

After the event, I told my wife that it is such a big day for me and also my father in law.


Exactly 27 years ago, my wife had her first sports day too. She was 3 years old and it was the first time her dad brought her to the sports day. So definitely today is his big day with his first cucu kan since it brings back the memories.

Me being a dad just smiled as at least I have managed to make someone happy.

The moral of the story is, love can be shared. Joy can be shared.

The more you share your joy, the more you will enjoy your life.

Trust me.

The story of Aisya's first sports day will always be in my head cause that is the time I learned to share the love and joy of a dad! It is a satisfaction that I can't describe.

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