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Family getaway trip to Penang

This is a post written in 2014.

I just came back from Penang trip with my families. It has been 17 years since the last time I visited my relatives in Penang. Reason for this trip is to meet up with my aunties and uncles who came over all the way to Klang to visit my then ill mother when she was in the ICU.

I told my mother that everyone came and visited her and if she recovers from her illness, I shall bring her and the rest to visit the relatives. However, she passed away and I believe that it is my duty to arrange for family visiting.

Since we have a few days of leave during the Eidul Adha, I and my wife decided to visit Penang and to throw that idea to my dad. He is happy to hear about the Penang trip as he can enjoy his so called Mee Pokok Ceri and some other foods which is only available in Penang.

Initially, he said that he is a bit reluctant for this Penang trip as the jam might be massive. I told him to just relax and enjoy the trip. I’ll be driving anyways. He said ok. Let’s go to Penang then.
So food hunting it seems.

While doing the planning, I told Ayah that if we visit Penang for food hunting, we will not be scoring any points in the eyes of Allah. Why don’t we visit Penang for the sake of Silaturrahim? Perhaps that is better since it is sunnah. Being someone pious and learned, he definitely likes my idea and thus our Penang trip is actually to visit relative for the sake of strengthening the silaturrahim. Food hunting is secondary for this journey.

To my surprise, the condition of the road was fantastic throughout the journey except for our first day. It took around 12 hours from Seremban to Penang as we need to fetch my little sister who is studying in UiTM. Other than the first day craziness, the rest of the days are just fantastic.
I told Ayah that Allah definitely loves anyone who does something for His sake and our journey has just showed how our intention can actually benefits us.

So during the journey, we managed to visit Ayah’s family and also the food hunting. However, the food taste was bad. How can that be? Maybe Allah has taken the loves of food from us while we were in Penang and what Allah wants is for us to repair the relationship which was not good.

You can quit but what is the story to be told later?

This post was actually written in 2014 after me and my wife attended a seminar organized by Puan Ainon of ABS Holding.


Just a few days ago, we attended a seminar conducted by Puan Ainon, the founder of ABS Holding. The topic of the seminar is Tribe Marketing. Tribe marketing is being popularized by Seth Godin. He wrote a book solely to describe on the tribe.

As a Muslim, Puan Ainon mentioned that tribe has started all the way and in Islam, we can relate it to our own beloved Prophet Muhammad. When he received the revelation of Islam, he approached a few and it starts with his own wife, Siti Khadijah. Besides Siti Khadijah, the other three converts are Ali, Abu Bakar and also Zayd. So in total, there are 4 people who supported and believed in him. After them, there are 20 something who converted.

Looking at the above, it shows that the most important person in the tribe is our partner. Bless to those who has partner. Or else, it can be parents, sibling or friends that are trust worthy. No such thing as you can create tribe alone.

After gaining some perspective about tribe, we (Zaahara’s management) came to realize that we have deviated from our initial business and mission. Just to share, we basically knows who are our target market based on what we believe and what we aim for. However, along the way, we decided to expand it to a bigger market and this has actually bring no luck to us. We are still lucky that our business is still surviving. (and still surviving till the moment I am writing this)

Many old people will say that in business, the first time will be the best and the sweetest. Along the way, it will be tougher and tougher. (read other success stories) For us, we have never thought of quitting but we are wondering what’s wrong.

Mr : Something is not right. It has been a few bazaar we attended but there is no success.
Mrs: Yeah. So what should we do now? Should we just quit and enjoy our family time?
Mr : If we are to quit now, there will be no success stories to be shared among our kids. What a waste of effort. Let’s just start all over again!

All over again.

Yeah. That’s the mission. Start all over again. Why bother rushing as business is an activity of buying and selling in which you need to have passion in doing it. We must forgo becoming others as others who are successful have managed to create their tribes and they have put a lot of effort in building it.

Therefore for us, we will be focusing on what should be done and enjoy doing business once again. InsyaAllah, the journey will be more fun after knowing where we should be heading to!
Please pray for us and let’s grow together with us.


Buat business taklah sesenang yang disangka

Honestly buat business online or any other business ni tak sesenang yang semua orang rasa. Kita yang bukan berbusiness mesti selalu teruja dengan kejayaan seseorang yang dah BERJAYA dan dari situ mungkin timbul perasaan jika buat business mesti boleh berjaya kan?

Masa tahun 2015, saya dan wife ada pergi attend seminar IMKK yang dikelolakan oleh Dr Azizan Osman. Program tersebut berlangsung selama 3 hari. Pada malam kedua, ada sesi testimonial di mana peserta lepas yang dah berjaya dipanggil duduk di atas pentas. Di sini peserta akan diberi masa selama 10 minit untuk menceritakan pengalaman mereka dari kehidupan biasa-biasa sehinggalah mereka berjaya.

Kerusi yang mereka duduk dinamakan ‘hot seat’. Bayangkan mereka sedang bercakap di hapadan 3000 – 5000 orang. Apakah perasaan mereka ketika itu? Dari kehidupan biasa-biasa dan ada jugak yang berasal dari kehidupan susah ke luar biasa hebat. Ada yang menangis ketika memberi testimoni. 

Ketika itu, adalah jugak perasaan teruja kerana mereka kelihatan begitu jujur dalam penceritaan mereka.

Bagi wife saya, dia sebenarnya tak berapa faham akan situasi golongan yang biasa-biasa ni sebab beliau dibesarkan di Subang Jaya oleh parents yang mantap. Beliau juga dikelilingi oleh sanak-saudara yang mantap dan kawan-kawannya juga kebanyakkannya bekerja di tempat yang bagus.

Lain pulak dengan saya kerana saya datang dari Klang dan kebanyakkan kawan saya adalah terdiri dari golongan yang biasa-biasa dan ada jugak yang susah.

“ Perlu ke semua orang bermula dengan susah? Kena nangis-nangis?” Bentak isteri saya.

Ok, itu dulu masa 2015.

Masa akhir tahun 2016, kami pernah duduk di tepi katil sambal hamper menangis kerana memikirkan pasal business kami yang ketika itu sedang menghadap cabaran. Tiada sales disebabkan tiada Telekung untuk dijual. Jika tiada sales, cabaran kami yang seterusnya adalah duit company yang akan berkurangan kerana kami mempunya overhead setiap bulan.

Dikala itu saya bercakap ngan isteri saya,

“Well, Allah nak ajar kita. Mungkin inilah cerita kita nanti. Kita pun pernah jugak menangis.”

So disini ingin saya berkongsi bahawa business itu bukan mudah seperti yang kita sangkakan.

Kejayaan company besar seperti Facebook, Google dan macam-macam lagi pasti ada sejarah mereka yang mungkin kita tak ketahui.

Selain tu, kalau kat Malaysia ni pun macam-macam cerita kita boleh gali jika kita bertanya kepada usahawan sama ada yang berada di sector korporat, online, atau pun yang offline.

Kepada sesiapa yang sedang buat business kat luar sana, always keep in mind that you are better than those who just wait for the moment. Honestly, the moment takkan tiba kalau kita duk atas kerusi saja.

Doakan kami ya agar kami boleh teruskan perjalanan business kami ke arah yang membanggakan.


Dari Nokia ke Blackberry dan berakhir dengan Iphone

 Malam ni tiba-tiba teringat pasal handphone Nokia and terus teringat nak cerita pasal handphone. 

I masih ingat nama-nama handphone yang I guna sejak tahun 2000 iaitu ketika I form 5. Time tu I pinjam phone Ayah sebab dia ada phone lain. Phone yang I guna ialah Nokia 3210. Legend gila kot phone ni. Sapa-sapa pakai phone ni memang legend. 

Apa yang best pasal handphone ni?

Depa kata kalau baling anjing, anjing boleh mati. Tu je laa kelebihan dia. Takda apa yang menarik cumanya bila ada handphone, boleh laa nak usha awek time tu. haha..

Nokia 3210

Moving forward, handphone kedua I ialah Nokia 8210. Handphone ni best gila sebab dia kecik, ringan and cute sangat. I pakai masa time dah nak dekat ngan SPM. Sempat pakai beberapa bulan sebelum handphone ni rosak. Handphone ni rosak sebab masa last day sekolah, handphone ni kena air. Pergh. Sedih siut. I ingat lagi time I sedih ngan handpone ni.
Nokia 8210

Untuk handphone ke-tiga dan seterusnya, I kurang ingat the punya sequence tapi yang pasti, I pakai handphone Nokia N70, Nokia 8310 dan akhirnya Nokia 6600. 

Handphone Nokia berakhir bila I dah mula masuk umur 26 tahun di mana I mula bekerja kat Sapura.

Nokia N70
Nokia 6600

Nokia 8310

Masa start kerja kat Sapura, I mula teruja dengan Blackberry sebab Blackberry time tahun 2000 'an memang sangat 'in thing.' Sapa ada blackberry boleh dikatakan stylo. Lagi-lagi kalau kerja kat office and pakai pun smart. Pergh. memang menawan. I sendiri pun rasa diri I menawan. Haha...

Blackberry Bold

Blackberry Bold

Finally, bila I dah berkahwin pada tahun 2012, I decided to settle down with Apple. I dah bertukar dua kali iaitu Iphone 5 dari tahun 2012 and now Iphone 6S Plus dari akhir tahun 2016.

Lepas ni tak sure lagi nak pakai handphone apa but for now, Iphone memang the best. Best sebab touch screen dia. 

Iphone 5
Iphone 6s Plus

Pengalaman menarik bersama penjual alatan jahit di Semua House

Semua House

Siang tadi saya ke ‘Semua House’ untuk beli piping telekung. Kami order di salah sebuah kedai menjahit di sana. 

Erin kata total yang saya perlu bayar untuk piping tadi ialah RM 580. So masa bayar, saya cuma hulurkan RM 600 dan perkara ajaib berlaku. Dia bagi saya RM 80 baki. 

Tauke : “Boss, u punya balang RM 520. Saya juai satu piping RM 6.50. Bukan RM 7.00” 

Saya : “ Thank you boss. Tapi boss, I ada satu soalan. Apa pasai u bagi discount? I tarak mintak pun." 

Tauke : “ Kami sudah 60 tahun berniaga woo. Kami mesti bagi diskaun kalau customer beli banyak. Tarak mintak pun kami mesti kasi woo.” 

Saya : “ Tapi boss, u boleh untung extra maa. I bukan confirm datang lagi.”

Tauke : “U datang atau tak, saya mesti mau kasi. Saya untung sikit sudah laa. Janji u happy. Nanti u mesti ada datang lagi punya. Kalau u tak datang, mesti u ada cerita sama olang lain.” 

Tengoklah macam mana depa berniaga. Sebab tu boleh bertahan sampai ke 60 tahun. Tak sangka perbualan saya dengan tauke cina tadi membuka mata saya untuk berniaga dengan lebih cemerlang lagi. Jika main-main, baik main PS4. Kan? Saya harap you all belajar sesuatu from this posting. Salam.

Pengalaman saya minum Tealive jika dibandingkan dengan Chatime


Semalam adalah kali pertama kami berdua (me and my wife) beli air from Tealive. It took us almost 3 weeks baru finally we both decided nak try. Guess what happened after we tried?
Dari semalam hingga ke hari ni, we both dah beli 4 cups and total spent was RM 30. Kat sini I nak share a few things from my own experience.

 The taste is better
Rasa Tealive memang menarik. Lebih manis kalau nak compare dengan Chatime

Brand awareness
Bila sesuatu brand yang dah dikenali ramai tukar kepada jenama baru, aka nada persepsi di mana adakah kualiti dan rasa yang sama. Untuk Tealive, mereka berjaya dengan transition mereka. Saya dah confirm akan beli Tealive bila-bila saya nak bubble tea sebab saya dah merasai sendiri rasa Tealive.

Importance of Employee
Employee memainkan peranan yang sangat penting. Di sini, saya ingin mengatakan pihak Tealive perlu ‘invest’ lebih besar kerana soalan yang sama akan dijawab dengan jawapan yang berbeza.

Contoh soalan:
Adakah rasa Tealive sama seperti Chatime?

Contoh Jawapan #1
Sudah tentu tidak sama malahan lebih sedap.

Contoh Jawapan #2
Sama je macam yang dulu. Takda perubahan pun.

Haa. Nampak kan? Ini hasil tinjauan saya dekat 2 cawangan je. Kalau saya buat tour mungkin lebih banyak jawapan yang akan saya dapat.

Apa-apa hal, tahniah buat team Tealive. You all rock. Memang otai buat business. Tak semua org boleh buat business macam you all. Gila!
Ok guys. Apa lagi. Sapa yang tak pernah cuba Tealive, saya syorkan pegi laa rasa. Sedap. Serious sedap dan berbaloi. Cuma jangan jadikan amalan. Boleh kencing manis woo.


Lebih baik update di blog instead of Facebook

Pagi ni I nak berkongsi sikit pasal blogging.

For the past 2 years, I have been very active updating facebook. One day lebih kurang 3-4 kali I akan update and I have a lot of followers as well.

Tapi,lama kelamaan especially in 2017, I find facebook can be very boring. Reason for this boringness is because everyone seems to be heading to ‘personal branding’, ‘storytelling’, ‘selling’ and yang paling tak best is ‘cerita success diri sendiri’.

So finally I decided it’s time for me to be regular with blog. At least this blog is a place whereby I can treat it is as my life journey.

A lot of things that is my head can be shared here. It is like a database of stories.

At the current moment, I will update on regular basis because I want to get the rhythm of writing. Once dah jumpa my style and niche, there will definitely be improvement.

Ok from me now. I will continue with other updates later.


Mudahnya jangkitan sakit cacar air : Kena jauhkan pembawa dengan orang luar

Hari ni we all faced 2 incident yang boleh dikatakan mencabar jugak.

First of all masa pukul 9.40am, Cikgu Luqman called and suruh we all fetch dia. Cikgu kata Luqman suspected chicken pox. Aisya baru je baik chicken pox after one week plus demam. Ingatkan Luqman terlepas dari chicken pox but very unfortunate.

Our family stayed at Erin’s parents for the past 2 weeks. During the day, Aisya and Erin will be at home. I am at office and Luqman is at his school. Time malam, Aisya will sleep with me and Luqman will sleep with Erin. We both sleep at different room. This is to ensure Luqman tak kena chicken pox.

For the 2 weeks kat sana, Aisya tak boleh turun bawah. Ibarat house prisoned. What she does is to scream from above if she’s bored. One more thing, she knows her limitation. She knows she can’t come down because there’s Luqman and there’s Armaan, my 3 months nephew in law.

So yeah…Kalau Luqman dah kena, there’s a big probability yang si Armaan pun akan kena. 
Kalau kena, kesian laa kat Baby tu sebab his Aqiqah is scheduled on the 8th of April nanti.

Tapi…Kalau dah nak kena, what can we do kan? Kuasa Allah. -> Ni untuk comfortkan hati kita berdua just in case kalau Armaan kena chicken pox. J

Second incident pulak – our tukang jahit salah jahit our telekung’s border. The conversation was like this:

Erina: Kak, telekung ni dah salah border.
Tukang Jahit : Itulah. Tapi ni bukan salah akak. Kalau Erina nak betulkan, mahal ni.

Eh eh. Macam mana pulak ni? Dia yang salah pastu dia siap kata kalau nak repair mahal. Confuse pulak we all.

Hari ni we both banyak spend time dalam kereta sebab we all pi beli laptop baru, pi Jakel, pi kedai jahit, pi jumpa tukang jahit, pi makan and finally balik rumah.

So beginilah nasib we all untuk seminggu ni.

I told Erin that I will be able to free up myself for any task. Besides that, I will go to the office and Erin will take care of Luqman at home.

Adios! Till we meet again.

Kisah Sifu busines yang membuatkan pelajar rasa takut

I nak share one terminology that I have in mind. Dulu masa skolah, ingat lagi tak cerita si arnab dan kura-kura?

Ok if tak tahu, let me brief a bit.

 ‘ Si Arnab ajak si Kura-Kura race. So, lepas je wisel permulaan, Arnab pun pecut selaju yang mungkin. Si Kura-Kura relax je. Jalan macam biasa. Dah 10 minit berlumba, Arnab rasa confident yang dia confirm menang. So apa dia buat? Dia lepak kat bawah pokok. Kononnya nak tunggu si Kura-Kura dulu. Bagi adil sikit. Tunggu punya tunggu, si Kura-Kura tak sampai lagi.

Si Arnab menguap and tau-tau dah tertido. Bangun je dari tidor, dia terus pecut ke garisan penamat. Time tu dia perasan yang kura-kura dah ada kat garisan penamat.

Nak akhiri cerita, si Kura-Kura menang kerana kesombongan dan kecuaian si Arnab.’

So for today, I just realised one thing whereby there’s a lot of young entrepreneurs especially Malays in Malaysia yang suka berbusiness. It’s really good if we compare with what happened in the 80’s and 90’s.

The not good part is some of the Malays are being taught by the not credited teachers or known as sifus.

For the current trend, the sifu’s that we have will be conducting seminars on how to be rich and to do business. In their program, they will include a testimonial session known as ‘hot seat’ or ‘kerusi panas’, This hot seat is for their students who have made it after attending their classes.


1.       Dulu sebelum saya masuk program Dr Ali (bukan nama sebenar), sales saya cuma   RM 10,000. Lepas 3 bulan masuk, saya sekarang dah cecah RM 100,000. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
2.      Dulu saya tak yakin saya boleh buat business, terima kasih sifu Jamil. Dalam sebulan je sales saya cecah RM 50,000. WOW.

I am not here to say that this doesn’t work but let’s talk about reality.

5000 orang attend seminar, probability yang berjaya is around 50 people.From this 50 people, 5 will be very powerful. Reason why the 5 is super successful pun most probably because they are already good in business. Just a little bit of support from the sifu’s , they managed to increase their revenues.

So, bagi those yang attend the seminar and sales ala-ala je, mesti akan rasa malu nak share result betul tak? Mesti diaorg akan rasa yang diaorng ni bengap and thus kena keep on spending to attend seminars. Last-last yang kaya is the sifu’s.

Bagi I, in business ni kita kena belajar the foundation and basics of doing business. Not kejar sale juta-juta macam diajar oleh sifu-sifu Melayu ni.

Kalau kat overseas, trend buat business bukan untuk buat juta-juta dalam 2-3 bulan. Apa yang penting adalah:

1.       Kepuasan dalam berbusiness
2.      Lebih ramai manusia dapat manfaat
3.      Siapa nak invest dalam business
4.      Exit plan
5.      IPO


So think hard and think serious.

Business is real. It’s not just about making money temporarily.

Topik perbincangan masa breakfast

Hari ni lepas hantar Luqman to his day care, Erin raised a topic on ‘work-life balance’.

Erin: Dulu before I quit Sapura, I was hoping to have a better work-life balance.   `Boleh spend more time with kids, pergi kelas agama, cook, clean up and macam-macam.

Anas: Bukan tak boleh nak ada ‘work-life balance’ the problem is for a start-up, there should be sacrifices. Seriously.Maybe in 1-2 years time boleh dapat that ‘work-life balance’.

If we ask around all the young successful entrepreneurs be it in Malaysia or anywhere in general, ‘work-life balance just don’t exist. There will always be more of a work. But the difference when doing your own thing is your stress is elevated through the progression of your company.

Erin: Nasib baik I just book ticket to London this coming June. Kalau tak, maybe you akan tunggu another 3 years. Reason is kena save duit. LOL.

You see, that is what our conversation was. Can be quite dramatic at times but I do enjoy arguing for the sake of warming up the brain before work starts at 9.30 am daily.


About Me: This is a short write up for my MBA application in 2012

With the rising numbers of young inspiring employees becoming the Chief Executives Officers (“CEO”) at various government link and private companies, I am therefore more than determined to be one of those young excellent CEO’s in these coming years. 

At the age of 29, I plan to enroll myself into the Master’s of Business Administration (“MBA”) course in Universiti Teknologi Mara (“UiTM”) and I see myself holding a respectable position in various companies by the age of 33 and above.

By having a clear goal in my head, I believe MBA is one of the things which is needed for me to accomplish my career goal.

I graduated in Bachelor of Business Management (Transport) from UiTM in 2006. I completed my tertiary education at a Methodist school in Klang. My parents asked me to further my studies on MBA after my degree program but I insisted to work. Reason for opting career is because I need to have the industry knowledge and I myself wants to study instead of being pushed by someone else. Up to now, I have been working for more than 6 years since the day I left UiTM.

I started my career by joining Maersk Logistics (M) Sdn Bhd. They are a well-known Multinational Company focusing in the shipping and logistics industry. I stayed there for 2 years before I joined Sapura Crest Petroleum Bhd (“Sapura”) which is known as Sapura Kencana Petroleum Berhad due to the new joint venture between Sapura and Kencana Petroleum Bhd.  

Their company is listed in Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (“KLSE”) main board.  Having work there for 4 years, it has opened up my mind of becoming the CEO one day. A dream is nothing without dedication and perseverance and thus it has ignited a burning desire for me to study and improve my skills.

Based on my research, I found that most senior managers and board of directors, they need to have a strong background in accounting, finance and have masters certificate. All these are necessities for company’s growth.  

Working at the executive level deals more with internal issues but management level will need to think outside the box as they will deal with clients, markets, public expectations, government and competitors. Having mentioned all this, I strongly see the importance of having MBA. In short, I plan to pursue my masters based on followings: -
  1. For personal gain which is beneficial for career;
  2. Enhance the leadership skills with the in-house training (classes, assignments, group discussions and report writings);
  3. Improve the decision making skills as this is a skill which needs to be learned theoretically and daily at work;
  4. To serve better to the company that I am working for.
It takes a lot of time, dedication, commitment and discipline to complete part time master’s program. This world is a cruel world. Nobody will wait and hold your hands in the corporate world. To survive and to be better, you need to get ready for all the challenges which can sometimes makes your life go haywire.  

Therefore, I am taking this opportunity to prove to myself that I can give my commitment to work and also pursue my MBA at the same time. One of my referees is my Department General Manager. She herself knows that study part time is not easy especially in the industry I am working with. However, she mentioned that the desire to study is good and to complete the program is the reward.

In working environment, there are employees who shines from the early stage of their career and managed to climb the ladder fast and there are employees who take their own sweet time to climb the ladder. If we don’t take the challenge now, it will be hard for employers to notice us.

Lastly, MBA is one of my dreams when I was a little boy as I still remembers reading my dad’s MBA pocket book. So now is my time to have my own MBA certificate which will be something I can be proud of one day.

Seorang pakcik berkongsi tips mudah belajar arab menggunakan formulasi O&G

Uncle Adnan - Sebelah kanan.
Throwback masa pi umrah in 2016

Trip saya ke Umrah bermula dengan penerbangan dari KLIA ke Riyadh dan Riyadh ke Madinah. Ketika di Riyadh, saya ada masa dalam 6 jam sebelum penerbangan sambungan ke Madinah. Ketika menunggu flight sambungan, saya sempat berkenalan dengan satu Uncle dari Malaysia.

Umur uncle ni dalam lingkungan 68 tahun dan dia pernah bekerja di Petronas, Dialog etc. Wife dia masih lagi bekerja dan adalah Chairman to Ekuinas and a few other big GLC's.

Uncle ni boleh tahan jugak peramahnya. Banyak benda dia bualkan tapi saya kurang ambik perhatian kerana otak saya time tu asyik piker pasal wife dan anak yang berada di Malaysia. Besides that, saya memang nak focus lebih kepada umrah justeru perbualan tentang keduniaan tidak berapa mendapat minat saya.

Masa di Airport Riyadh sementara tunggu nak ke Madinah, saya dan uncle solat Maghrib dan Isya.

Lepas solat, saya kata kat uncle yang saya nak rehat kat surau je. So dia pun tinggalkan saya sorang-sorang.Masa nak naik flight ke Madinah, sekali lagi dia nak borak but this time, topik dah bertukar 180 degrees!

Cuba teka apa pulak topik yang dibincangkan?

1. Bagaimana untuk fahami Bahasa Arab dalam beberapa jam
2. Bagaimana untuk hafal Quran

Selain tu, Uncle juga menyuruh saya menggunakan ilmu ‘Oil & gas’ untuk menghafal Quran.

1. Project scheduling
2. Parameters
3. Progress report
4. Familiarize with the 114 surah name
5. Buat breakdown surah. So contoh juz amma ada dalam 30 surah, kita kena buat grouping. (7,5,5,7,7 and 7). Setiap group buat satu leader.
6. Use tahajud as exam. Meaning after hafal surah, baca laa masa tahajud.
7. All those Quls are meant for tadika. Takkan dah adults takda improvement.

Uncle ni tak religious but very technical.

“I am an engineer. Senang je. I use logic to memorize Quran” Uncle.

Kesimpulan dari cerita saya, dibumi Makkah, mintak laa benda yang best. Allah akan bagi. Macam saya, Allah bagi saya someone with experience to teach me something valuable.