A birthday celebration for a 3 year old boy - Luqman's 3rd birthday

"0n your birthday, I thought of giving you the cutest gift in the world. But then I realized that it is not possible, because you yourself are the cutest gift in the world."

Luqman's 3rd Birthday celebration with Spiderman

Friday, 17/5/19 - Mama's house.

We all celebrate secara ringkas je birthday Luqman kat rumah Mama. Itupun, his actual birthday is on 20/5/19 on Monday tapi sebab we all ada booth the following week, we thought of having his birthday earlier. The initial plan was to celebrate his birthday at his school on Friday morning.

Tapi, Luqman was not feeling well and thus we changed the plan.

What other plan do we have?

1. Celebrate birthday dengan Anak Yatim Haluan Penyayang at Souka the night of buka puasa
2. Celebrate at home

After considering these two options,we decided better celebrate kat rumah jer. So end up, the 3 of us at Mama's house celebrating Luqman's 3 birthday. Aisya is not in the picture because she is not feeling well. Or else sho would have been in the picture as well.

The theme for Luqman is Spiderman. Actually we all siap dah beli baju Spiderman and Captain America for Aisya. Last-last tak pakai pun. Haha...

Whatever it is, Luqman happy dapat cake, dapat birthday song and also a big toy.

Apa lagi budak 3 years old nak kan?

Masa oh masa - Demi masa yang semakin laju meninggalkan kita

“Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal soleh dan saling menasihati supaya mentaati kebenaran dan saling menasihati supaya menetapi kesabaran.” (Surah al-Asr 103:1-3)

Sunday, 19/5/19 – Mama’s house, Subang Jaya

Aku bukak laptop untuk check facebook and pastu saja bukak blog wife aku. Aku Nampak dalam bulan puasa ni, dia dah berjaya update blog 5 kali. The target was everyday tapi oklah kan? Rather than takda.

Anyway, pastu aku bukak pulak blogspot saja nak check apa citer laa aku punya own blog. Rupanya the last time aku update was a year ago. 


Kat sini aku nampak sesuatu. Betullah Allah kata dalam surah Al-Asr dimana manusia sesungguhnya hidup dalam kerugian. Ya, memang kerugian lebih-lebih lagi yang tidak menghargai masa mereka.

Masa adalah satu komoditi yang diberi sama rata kepada setiap manusia. 24 jam sehari. Takda sorang pun yang ada lebih atau kurang.

Jadi, bila aku lihat sendiri aku punya own time management, aku nampak pengurusan masa adalah sesuatu yang aku sangat lemah walaupun aku rasa dah banyak dah aku improve jika nak dibandingkan dulu masa aku muda.

Skang ni at the age of 36, banyak jugak aku dah achieve tapi the question is can I do better than what I have now?

Theoretically I believe so.

Aku rasa if I can do more things especially beneficial things, life can be improved 10x and I can also help more people along the way.

Saying thing, I don’t want to be living life as it is anymore. I want it to be a GREAT LIFE. How great? GREAT THAT it does scare the people who hear it.

A lot of people yang made it in this world, they have control of the time. They don’t just let the time control them. 

They plan and take action based on each minute of the time.

Mana mungkin Allah bagitau manusia pasal masa jika masa tak penting kan?

Masa oh masa.

Trailer Munafik 2 - 5 Sebab kenapa filem Munafik 2 best

Hari ni me and wife watched Munafik 2 at 12.50 MBO Subang Parade. Movie ni best dan I would give rating of 4 out of 5. Why not 5 over 5?

Anyways, here I nak kongsikan sedikit kenapa cerita ni best.

1. Banyak elemen suspens yang memang mengejutkan. Kalau hati tak kental, better don't watch this movie.
2. The script and the plot memang ok. Tak membosankan langsung.
3. The actors and the actress memang superb. All played good part in the movie.
4. Banyak nasihat tentang Allah yang boleh membantu kita untuk sedar diri kembali.
5. Ending yang tak disangka-sangka.

I literally got what I expected from this movie. Memang best and I would suggest everyone to watch Munafik 2 over the weekend.

The time that flies will not come back again (updated)

Originally this post was created on 29/7/18.

“Time flies so fast. day by day left us. with or without smiles, the new days will comes.” 

― Nunki Artura

The pattern of my life is the same.

It has always been a hike in ambition and end up not following through the dream.

Is it just me or 95% of the world issue?

“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” 

― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

The issue is – Procrastination.

A lot of people can’t complete a task/ dream/ambition/goals because of this attitude of procrastination. I have this issue forever and it has actually been part of me.

The best part, I have one classic example to show how great I am in terms of procrastination.

2016, I did mentioned in my FB that I will take action to lose weight and once done, I will become a motivator to those who wants to lose weight. Guess what? It actually happened only after 3 years!

Anyways, in relation to this blog, I noticed that I did say that I have not blogged for months and mentioned how time flies so fast.

My question is how great influencer such as Vivy Yusof can update her blog like almost every other day? How?

What does she has that other people don’t have? And yet we can complain that she has everything to make things easy for her.

Excuses. Yeah, excuses.

How to start a business

I was looking for something and I found this video! Seriously it is really good and I can relate to it now.

Dua kali hampir dropout dari University

Saya hampir jadi student dropout dua kali.
1. Masa first sem diploma UiTM di mana saya hanya dapat 1.65.
2. Masa sem 4 Masters di UiTM di masa saya fail Viva saya.
Dua kali saya terpaksa bangun dan beritahu diri saya yang saya kena lulus.
Walaupun saya selalu membaca buku-buku kisah kejayaan orang lain terutamanya kisah orang barat di mana kebanyakkan billionaire di sana adalah dropout, bagi saya, sekiranya kita diberi peluang untuk belajar, jangan sia-siakan peluang tersebut.
Certificate tidak menjamin kejayaan besar dalam hidup tetapi, karakter dalam menghabiskan cabaran dalam pelajaran boleh diguna pakai untuk berjaya dalam hidup.
Saya dibesarkan dalam keadaan yang simple dan relax oleh kedua ibu-bapa saya.
Mereka tidak pernah kata saya kena dapat A atau no.1.
Mereka cuma kata pelajaran tu penting.
Lebih baik jadi orang yang tidak kaya tetapi berpelajaran dari menjadi orang kaya tapi takda pelajaran.
Mungkin ramai yang tidak akan agree dengan statement ni tapi demi masa hadapan anak-anak Malaysia yang lebih cemerlang, saya sarankan agar ibu-bapa di luar sana untuk tekankan kepentingan pelajaran.
Kalau bukan disebabkan ibu-bapa saya, mungkin saya tidak akan mencintai buku dan pelajaran.
Sehingga kini, saya akan cuba belajar sesuatu setiap hari dari mana-mana sumber yang boleh saya cedok.
Percayalah bahawa kita manusia sudah diberi akal yang membezakan kita dan binatang.
Jika kita tidak beri makanan berunsurkan ilmu kepada akal kita, bagaimana kita hendak jadi khalifah