You can quit but what is the story to be told later?

02:28 anas 0 Comments

This post was actually written in 2014 after me and my wife attended a seminar organized by Puan Ainon of ABS Holding.


Just a few days ago, we attended a seminar conducted by Puan Ainon, the founder of ABS Holding. The topic of the seminar is Tribe Marketing. Tribe marketing is being popularized by Seth Godin. He wrote a book solely to describe on the tribe.

As a Muslim, Puan Ainon mentioned that tribe has started all the way and in Islam, we can relate it to our own beloved Prophet Muhammad. When he received the revelation of Islam, he approached a few and it starts with his own wife, Siti Khadijah. Besides Siti Khadijah, the other three converts are Ali, Abu Bakar and also Zayd. So in total, there are 4 people who supported and believed in him. After them, there are 20 something who converted.

Looking at the above, it shows that the most important person in the tribe is our partner. Bless to those who has partner. Or else, it can be parents, sibling or friends that are trust worthy. No such thing as you can create tribe alone.

After gaining some perspective about tribe, we (Zaahara’s management) came to realize that we have deviated from our initial business and mission. Just to share, we basically knows who are our target market based on what we believe and what we aim for. However, along the way, we decided to expand it to a bigger market and this has actually bring no luck to us. We are still lucky that our business is still surviving. (and still surviving till the moment I am writing this)

Many old people will say that in business, the first time will be the best and the sweetest. Along the way, it will be tougher and tougher. (read other success stories) For us, we have never thought of quitting but we are wondering what’s wrong.

Mr : Something is not right. It has been a few bazaar we attended but there is no success.
Mrs: Yeah. So what should we do now? Should we just quit and enjoy our family time?
Mr : If we are to quit now, there will be no success stories to be shared among our kids. What a waste of effort. Let’s just start all over again!

All over again.

Yeah. That’s the mission. Start all over again. Why bother rushing as business is an activity of buying and selling in which you need to have passion in doing it. We must forgo becoming others as others who are successful have managed to create their tribes and they have put a lot of effort in building it.

Therefore for us, we will be focusing on what should be done and enjoy doing business once again. InsyaAllah, the journey will be more fun after knowing where we should be heading to!
Please pray for us and let’s grow together with us.


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