Love, Vivy- Vivy Yusof 
5 years ago, 2011, she was sitting next to me at Rasta TTDI.  Erina cakap she is Vivy Yusof and she is a blogger.
So I'm like..."Blogger?. Ok whatever."
In 2012, she and her husband started
Today, siap ada reality tv lagi. We were all glued in front of the tv to watch her show tadi.
Seriously the reality show beza as compared to Fazura's or any reality show yang we all dah tengok.
So a few things that we learned is:
1. You want to be big online, the founder must create a strong brand name
2. Believe in what you do
3. Family is important
4. Husband and wife can work together
5. Be yourself and don't be fake
So now doakan we all masuk tv for our reality show pulak next year ok?
‪#‎saudagarTelekung‬ punya show confirm best gila and buat korang nak tengok nanti.

Mulakan perubahan dengan langkah kecil

Satu penghargaan yang saya dan isteri dapat dari seorang bekas peserta small changes yang kami pernah jadi moderator pada tahun 2011.


Dear small changes ,
A few years ago (2011) i participated Small changes program . I was 17 . At first most of us were scared and terrified because its an English camp ( well ! English is one of the things that become nightmare for someone that not doing well in english ) . But our facilitators make it fun ! Enjoyable and make us more confident to speak in english .
They told us its okay to be different than others and ignore manusia - manusia yang cakap " berlagak gile cakap omputih " . Well ! At least we try . The facilitators come from diff background lawyer , doctor , engineer , businessman amd etc . They inspired us.. They shows us how to bercakap depan orang ramai . Mereka motivate kami dengan kata-kata semangat .
Abang anas told me "
you dont have to berubah 100%.. Make a few changes and at the end you can see the result " kata -kata hikmat ni I pegang . I dont know kalau abang anas ingat lagi ke tak .
Ya ! Saya lakukan apa yang abang anas . Saya paling tak suka subject physics waktu disekolah . A few months sebelum spm saya ubah pendirian saya . Saya cuba untuk belajar subject tersebut . Sampai dimatrik perasaan tak suka physics tu muncul balik . Tapi saya ubah balik pendirian saya untuk suka physics . Ouh ! Sebenarnya i've been inspired by abang anas wife that time she was an engineer . So , saya pun nak jadi engineer jugak . Sebab tu saya cuba untuk suka physics . Thank you so much kak erin ! .
But I still tak dapat sambung engineer . Tapi saya dapat continue study Bachelor in science (physics ) .
Bukan nak puji sembarangan tapi memang small changes ni bagi saya satu effect yang mendalam sampai sekarang . They're not typical program yang you datang satu hari then bila balik rumah you lupa dah .
Thanks for the precious experienced ! . I hope small changes can bring more changes in our community and keep inspiring people like me that at first have very low self-confident yang taktau nak jadi ape walaupun umur dah 17 tahun masa tu . And now saya ade impian utk jadi seorang physicists in future and nak inspired students the way you guys inpsired me .

Sports day Brainy Bunch 2016 - Aisya's first sports day

Aisya leading the race
9 April yang lalu adalah hari yang boleh dikatakan bersejarah buat saya, Erina dan juga Grandpa kepada Aisya. It's Aisya's first Sports Day at Brainy Bunch!

There's a few things which I learned on that day.

Aisya showing off her first medal!

Me, Aisya, Mascott and Erin

I was driving the car. In the car there were Erin, my sister in law, Emira and my father in law. The event is at Putrajaya but somehow rather we were at Seri Kembangan. Luckily we still had some time to spare before the event took place at 8am.

So by the time I reached the event place, my father in law carried little Aisya and ran to the playing field. My wife was walking faster than me and me as usual walks steady and at my own pace.

I was actually very excited since it is Aisya's first sports day but what I noticed is the grandfather is more excited than I am and he might not have realised this.

After the event, I told my wife that it is such a big day for me and also my father in law.


Exactly 27 years ago, my wife had her first sports day too. She was 3 years old and it was the first time her dad brought her to the sports day. So definitely today is his big day with his first cucu kan since it brings back the memories.

Me being a dad just smiled as at least I have managed to make someone happy.

The moral of the story is, love can be shared. Joy can be shared.

The more you share your joy, the more you will enjoy your life.

Trust me.

The story of Aisya's first sports day will always be in my head cause that is the time I learned to share the love and joy of a dad! It is a satisfaction that I can't describe.

Dr Zakir Naik

Hari ni kita semua dikejutkan dengan berita di mana Dr Zakir Naik telah di banned dari memberi ceramah beliau di Malaysia.

Alasan yang diberikan oleh 'MIC Youth' ialah ianya boleh mendatangkan ketidak harmonian dikalangan penganut yang berbeza-beza di Malaysia.

Petikan di bawah adalah apa yang diperkatakan oleh team MIC Youth.

“Zakir Naik is known for his demeaning tactics to undermine other religions that could spark unrest without weighing the respect and sensitivity of others,” he said. - See more at:

Kita berada di sebuah negara Islam dan adakah patut kita patuh kepada permintaan kaum lain?

Mari kita lihat apa akan terjadi.

Penulisan kena ada roh

Saya belajar menulis dan minat menulis sejak dari bangku sekolah lagi sebenarnya.

Ada satu sahabat saya berkata kalau kita nak dapat banyak sambutan, tulisan kita kena ada roh.


Ada roh?

Saya tak pernah dengar pasal tulisan kena ada roh.

Apa yang saya amalkan ialah, nak tulis, kita kena tulis berdasarkan emosi kita.

Bila kita gunakan emosi bercampur dengan akal kita, kita akan dapat hasilkan satu cerita sama ada fakta ataupun auta.

Sekarang ni banyak sangat mazhab yang tengah memperkatakan pasal 'copywriting' dan ada yang berkata kepada saya yang saya sepatutnya charge orang sebab saya ada talent.

Saya diam.

Bukan semua benda kena buat business dalam hati saya.

Tapi, di masa depan, tengoklah kan...

Me as a blogger? Why do I finally drop my ego and write

One thing that I will never forget till today about my writing is :

"Class, please pay attention. There should not allow anyone to enter the select storyline SPM later time. Nobody! Anas je nurse because he can not and he can confirm A." Mrs. Pang, Mr BM-time form 5.

Well, yes, I did get an A+ for my Bahasa Melayu’s SPM in 2000. I have been writing a lot ever since Sekolah Rendah and the type of essay that will be chosen is the karangan. For some reason, I am dreamy and fantasy kind of a person. Maybe sebab tu kot I suka tulis karangan. Maybe.

Kalau nak diikutkan cerita, I have lots of life experiences from day one of my life sampai la sekarang ni at the age of 34.

Honestly, I have wanted to write a blog since 2010 tapi gave up because of no hard interest back then and there is no motivation.

I always thought that blog is for girls but guess what, based on my research, memang blogs is heavily dominated by the ladies. Either the reader or the blogger itself.

So, since I kahwin pun dengan top underground blogger, I finally got this inspiration to write on daily basis. Well, of course la tak Berjaya lagi but I guess being an online entrepreneur, I need to have this blogging habits and I will share with you why.

Today, I received an email from Mr Nuffnang about the quotation for advertorial blog and seems that the price is crazy. Berapa? Well, only RM 3,500. I don't know la if this is cheap or expensive but for a start up like me, I think this is a bit too much.

And guess what, I just got to know a few top bloggers from Nuffnang which are:

1. Vivy Yusof
2. Shahira Zakaria
3. Sye Rasol
4. Raja Nadia Sabrina
5. Look Cikcit
6. Aimie Hamelia
7. Ms. Apples
8. Shazhari Hamid

All are women. No men! Sexist crazy to do this? Or maybe guys do not write? Dah la lazy to read, I love to write. what gender to be with this guy?

Ok takpa. So starting from now onwards, I will be writing regularly so that I can be number 1 blogger in Malaysia. Boleh?

Nak thousand power, do not want a thousand excuses, right?
